*** DEMO PAGE ***


High School credit

Cover Page Free Market Economics.png

(c) Copyright 2020:  Melanie Kriewaldt ALL RIGHTS RESERVED All GW Bridge Academy video lectures, slides, quizzes, workbook assignments, projects and exams are copyright protected. 


 One week’s Study Session:

  1. Preparatory Assignment -Gene Callahan book Economics for Real People and listed assignments.

  2. Watch each section of GW Bridge Academy Lecture Video separately, i.e. “Parts A, B, C” (Take notes)

  3. Watch any YouTube links, visit any Websites, and complete and Exercises assigned for each “Part.” (see Workbook)

  4. Take & submit the Lesson Quiz for each “Part” after viewing the lecture video (Google Forms)



40% Lesson Quizzes / 40% Unit Exams / 20% Final Project = Maximum 100 points


Ms. Kriewaldt mkriewaldt@gwbridgeacademy.com 512-541-9212 (call or text)

ECO Wkbk Front Cover.png

Order the coordinated full-color ECO Student Workbook here.

  • 16 week calendar assists students in pacing their progress

  • Write directly onto the workbook for notes, essays

  • lesson assignments & video timestamps are shown

  • all video slides are included in the workbook

  • exam review pages help students prepare for major exams

  • grade averaging page for student grade tracking

Required Course Material Link (free access):


Click here for iBooks LINK (Callahan iBooks link is on the Mises Institute website)

Click here for iBooks LINK (Callahan iBooks link is on the Mises Institute website)


Click here to order Gene Callahan’s book from Amazon

Click here to order Gene Callahan’s book from Amazon

Scope & Sequence

Click here to PRINT the Scope & Sequence pdf file

Unit 1

MACROECONOMICS: A Free Market Economy

WEEK 1  Lesson 1 -Introduction to Economics

A. LECTURE: Basic Economic Concepts (Start - 25:41) QUIZ: U1/L1 A Quiz

B. LECTURE: Supply and Demand Curve (25:41 - End)) QUIZ: U1/L1 B Quiz

WEEK 2  Lesson 2 -Defining a Free Market Economy

A. LECTURE: Bastiat’s “Broken Window Parable” (Start - 32.09) QUIZ: U1/L2 A Quiz

B. LECTURE: Components of a Free Market (32:09 - End) QUIZ: U1/L2 B Quiz

WEEK 3  Lesson 3 -Employment, US Labor & the Public Sector

A. LECTURE: Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility (Start - 39:53) QUIZ: U1/L3 A Quiz

B. LECTURE: Historical & Current Labor Markets (39:53 - End) QUIZ: U1/L3 B Quiz

WEEK 4  Lesson 4 -American Monetary System

A. LECTURE: The Structure of American Money (Start - 43:23) QUIZ: U1/L4 A Quiz

B. LECTURE: Monetary Integrity (43:23 - End) QUIZ: U1/L4 B Quiz

WEEK 5  Lesson 5 -Entrepreneurship

A. LECTURE: Disruptive Innovation (Start - 32:35) QUIZ: U1/L5 A Quiz

B. LECTURE: Types of Business Ownership (32:35 - End) QUIZ: U1/L5 B Quiz

WEEK 6 Review Unit 1 lecture notes and quizzes.

EXAM: Take Unit 1 Exam


Unit 2

MICROECONOMICS: Follow the Money

WEEK 7 Lesson 1 -Evaluating Your Economic Condition

A. LECTURE: Determining Net Worth (Start - 32:30) QUIZ: U2/L1 A

B. LECTURE: Dissecting Your Paycheck (32:30 - 54:55) QUIZ: U2/L1 B

C. LECTURE: Analyzing Your Credit Worthiness (54-55 - End) QUIZ: U2/L1 C

WEEK 8 Lesson 2 -Everyone is a Capitalist

A. LECTURE: Making an Economic Plan for Financial Success (Start - 32:45) QUIZ: U2/L2 A

B. LECTURE: Buying a Car (32:45 - 1:01) QUIZ: U2/L2 B

C. LECTURE: Insurance, Savings & Investing (1:01 - End) QUIZ: U2/L2 C

WEEK 9 Lesson 3 -Achieving Your Peak Economic Potential

A. LECTURE: Salaries and Benefits (Start - 53:00) QUIZ: U2/L3 A

B. LECTURE: Buying a Home (53:00 - 1:59:45) QUIZ: U2/L3 B

C. LECTURE: Filing Federal Income Taxes (1:59:45 - End) QUIZ: U2/L3 C

WEEK 10 Lesson 4 -Making a Strong Economic Finish

A. LECTURE: Retirement, Wills & Estate Planning (Start - End (51 min)) QUIZ: U2/L4 A

WEEK 11 Review Unit 2 lecture notes and quizzes.

EXAM: Take Unit 2 Exam

Unit 3

PROJECT: Career Research & Presentation

WEEK 12 Slide Presentation -Motivation for Pursuing Career & Mentor’s Influence on Your Choice

WEEK 13 Slide Presentation -Job Description, Salary Growth, Expected Employer Benefits & Promotion Schedule

WEEK 14 Slide Presentation -Career Goals & Retirement Goals (both Professional and Financial)

WEEK 15 Slide Presentation -Source Citation for Research and Graduation Resume

WEEK 16 Family/Peer Presentations & Audio or Video Recording

FINAL PROJECT EMAIL: Write a professionally-worded email, attach your slides presentation file (share Google Slides file or upload pdf) & readable audio/video file (mp3/m4A/mov/YouTube) and then email to mkriewaldt@gwbridgeacademy.com for grading. Your work will be graded and a report card will be generated showing your completion of this course.





Identifying a Free Market Economy


*** Demo Course Page (missing lessons) ***



Unit 1 / Lesson 2 (A & B)

Defining a free market economy


Part A

Answer Initial Question:

What were some of the negative impacts of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare legislation) that were not seen until the law went into effect?

READ: Appendix B LINK

READ: Appendix B LINK

Part B:

Lecture VIDEO

This video is a very short version of the lecture for Defining a Free Market Economy. This video was created for demonstration purposes on the GW Bridge Acad...


NOTE: Online quiz links for this demo page have been removed to preserve academic integrity. Students submit quizzes for grading and scores are reported via email to students and parents every week.




Following the Money


*** Demo Course Page (missing lessons) ***



Unit 2 / Lesson 3 (A, B, C)

Achieving your peak economic potential


preparatory assignments


Part A

Answer Initial Question

What is your lifelong goal? What would you consider to be your highest personal achievement in life?

READ: Chapter 8 LINK

READ: Chapter 8 LINK


part b

PRINT: HUD Settlement Statement

PRINT: HUD Settlement Statement


part c

PRINT: 2017 IRS 1040EZ form

PRINT: 2017 IRS 1040EZ form

PRINT: 2017 IRS W-2 form

PRINT: 2017 IRS W-2 form

Lecture Video

This video is a shortened version of the ECO U2/L3 Achieving Your Peak Economic Potential from GW Bridge Academy. The content has been truncated for demonstr...


NOTE: Online quiz links for this demo page have been removed to preserve academic integrity. Students submit quizzes for grading and scores are reported via email to students and parents every week.


*** Demo Course Page (missing lessons) ***




Career Research & Presentation

Family/Peer presentations & Audio or Video Recording

ACCESS or PRINT entire project rubric

ACCESS or PRINT entire project rubric


You have completed the Free Market Economics course at GW Bridge Academy.  Your grades will average accordingly and you will be issued an official report card via email to your parents. If your parents wish to receive an officially embossed paper report card, please ensure we receive your postal address.

It has been my privilege to teach you this important subject.  My wish is that you enjoy prosperity and abundance throughout your life.


Ms. Kriewaldt and the staff (my family) at GW Bridge Academy

God bless you


God bless the United States of America!

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