**** Coming Soon! ****
American History with Basic American Civics
Curriculum Books with Online Access to Digital Content
*** These editions will be available soon at TheBookPatch.com ***
GW Bridge Academy’s Curriculum Library
* Curriculum books with online access to digital content *
👆🏻 Our books contain QR Codes and URLs that link to online lecture videos, quizzes, teacher presentation slides & more! 👆🏻
Teaching and Learning… it’s just so much easier now!
Just released…
Our new Teacher’s Edition of Free Market Economics…
…everything a teacher needs in ONE book.
PowerPoint lecture slide library
entire Lecture Video series
quiz forms w/automatic grading
16-weeks assignment tracking
access to digital curriculum
Quiz & Exam links w/Answer keys
links to Assignment & Readings
Scan the QR code above 👆🏻
or click on the link below: 👇🏻
COURSE SYNOPSIS: GW Bridge Academy's Free Market Economics course draws from the academic viewpoint of the Austrian School of Economics. For too long, economics has been presented to students as a force meant to be controlled by a centralized governing body, when in fact, that guidance has served to upset the natural forces that keep an economy in balance. In its founding era, America's thriving markets attracted the attention of economists from across the world -it demonstrated the incredible production capacity of a free enterprise system and provided more wealth for more people than any other national economy in the history of mankind. This course covers both macroeconomics and microeconomics (personal finance), and concludes with a personalized career research project.
And, the student companion book…
Free Market Economics Student Workbook (Second Edition)
entire Lecture Video series
quiz forms w/automatic grading
16-weeks of assignments
access to digital curriculum
links to Assignment & Readings
Scan the QR code above 👆🏻
or click on the link below: 👇🏻
Take a look at our new Teacher’s Edition of American Government.
These books do the heavy-lifting…
so you can enjoy the teaching!
PowerPoint lecture slide library
entire Lecture Video series
quiz forms w/automatic grading
16-weeks assignment tracking
access to digital curriculum
Quiz & Exam links w/Answer keys
all Assignment & Reading links
Scan the QR code above 👆🏻
or click on the link below: 👇🏻
COURSE SYNOPSIS: The American Government course was created straight from the principles of the U.S. Constitution and explains concepts from a “founding principles” viewpoint. The entire U.S. Constitution is explained, including the Amendments. The founding of American government is explored from its legal roots in Judeo-Christian law and its historical roots as a republic. America's economic system, its history of market/industrial innovation, its political parties, its early abolitionist history, and the current developing threats against the American republic are covered in great detail. QR codes and printed URL links give teachers and students access ports to online content.
The student companion book to the teacher edition…
the American Government Student Workbook (2nd Edition)
Scan the QR code above 👆🏻
or click on the link below: 👇🏻
all slide images from the lectures
digital access ports to online content
entire lecture video library
16 weekly lesson assignment lists
online quizzes w/automatic grading
Sample pages from our new Teacher Edition and Student Workbooks:
course descriptions
American Government
Learn how the Laws of Moses and Christ’s salvation set the standard for Western justice and compassion -two traits that forged the founding documents of a new nation.
Free Market Economics
Throughout history, America’s thriving markets have demonstrated the incredible production capacity of a free market system and provided more wealth for more people than any other national economy in the history of mankind.
American History with Basic Civics
Experience a walk through the entire scope of American history that will reinvigorate your sense of patriotism. Vibrant historical figures performing selfless acts of loyalty and self-made innovators launching unprecedented leaps in the quality-of-living for humankind are woven together to reveal an irrefutable pattern of American Exceptionalism.