Online Access for
student workbook
Second Edition
Scope & Sequence
UNIT 1: MACROECONOMICS: A Free Market Economy
WEEK 1 Lesson 1 -Introduction to Economics
WEEK 2 Lesson 2 -Defining a Free Market Economy
WEEK 3 Lesson 3 -Employment, US Labor & the Public Sector
WEEK 4 Lesson 4 -American Monetary System
WEEK 5 Lesson 5 -Entrepreneurship
WEEK 6 Review Unit 1; Take Unit 1 Exam
UNIT 2: MICROECONOMICS: Follow the Money
WEEK 7 Lesson 1 -Evaluating Your Economic Condition
WEEK 8 Lesson 2 -Everyone is a Capitalist
WEEK 9 Lesson 3 -Achieving Your Peak Economic Potential
WEEK 10 Lesson 4 -Making a Strong Economic Finish
WEEK 11 Review Unit 2; Take Unit 2 Exam
UNIT 3: PROJECT: Career Research & Presentation
WEEK 12 Preliminary Career Research Presentations
WEEK 13 In-depth Research: Job/Salary Research & Mentor Contact
WEEK 14 In-depth Research: Career Motivations & Resume building
WEEK 15 Career Research Presentations
WEEK 16 Open Scheduling at the discretion of the Teacher
FINAL ASSIGNMENT: (professional email with attached project files): Write a professionally-worded message addressed to your teacher, attach your slide presentation file (share Google Slides file or upload pdf), and email these to your teacher-of-record for grading.
GRADING: Verify point values and grading percentages with your teacher. Grading and course assignments are made at the discretion of the Teacher. Track your grades using the ECO Gradebook printed on the last page of the Student Workbook.
Required Reading:
Students will need to access this free, online book for reading assignments that coordinate with the Free Market Economics course:
Callahan, Gene. Economics for Real People: An Introduction to the Austrian School. 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1479220809, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2002, Auburn, Alabama.
Economics for Real People
by Gene Callahan